Strategic Plan Summary


Our mission is to mobilize local churches to transform lives and communities In the Name of Christ.

More simply put—we help churches help people.


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Mission Acceleration

The mission and structure of Love INC is an intentional effort to help the Body of Christ join God in His story of grace, salvation, and bring wholeness to a broken world (or restoration). In accelerating our mission, our desire is to follow God’s leading, communicate the impact, and invite others to join and support the ministry.


Thriving Movement

People are the most important resource of any organization. We seek to maximize our support and connectedness of our affiliate executive directors to help increase their tenure, and challenge their affiliates to aspire toward enhanced mission delivery and operations.

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Flourishing Church

There is no greater potential impact than local churches working together to show and share the love of Christ. Love INC is mission-focused on church relationships and outreach mobilization. We are committed to leading the Love INC Movement to listen well to churches and communities and continually discover with them ways to increase church and volunteer engagement.

Mission Acceleration

To follow God’s leading, communicate the impact, and invite others to join and support the ministry.



Love INC is not a faith-based ministry, it is a faith-driven ministry. Prayer is one of our core values and we’ve identified it as important to accelerate our mission, for wisdom, direction, and encouragement.

  • Two Love INC Movement prayer events per year
  • A monthly Love INC Movement prayer team
  • A full review and updating of key training
    materials to incorporate a focus on prayer

Opening 27 New Affiliates

We’ve helped over 110+ communities start Love INCs in the past 45 years. We are excited about this aspirational goal, and proactively reaching it.


Telling our story well serves the purpose to accelerate our mission to start new Love INC locations and secure ongoing funding so that more lives can be touched and more lives transformed.

  • Identifying new metrics of impact
  • Increasing Love INC brand awareness through advertising/referrals
  • Creation of video story-telling resources

Increase Funding

To accelerate our mission, help build a thriving Movement, and increase church impact, we look forward to enhancing the approach and success of affiliate and Love INC National fundraising.

Thriving Moment

Maximize Executive Director support and connectedness to help increase tenure, enhance mission delivery, and improve operations.


Pursuit of Excellence Certification

Two of our core values are maturing and excellence. We will identify criteria for a Pursuit of Excellence Certification to which affiliates will be invited to pursue, supported to attain, and be recognized for their accomplishment. The impact will be enhanced missional integrity, and increased operational performance.

Extend Tenure of Executive Directors

The role of a Love INC Executive Director is certainly challenging. But the reasons for executive director turnover are varied. Some may be unavoidable, however, we seek to maximize our support and the connectedness of our executive directors to best help them serve their affiliate well for at least 5 years.

Health Benefit Support

Love INC National seeks to identify and solve common issues experienced by our affiliates. Health benefit support is one of those issues. We commit to explore how Love INC National can be helpful to making health benefit support more accessible to our affiliate leaders.


We will explore and discern technology innovation as potential enhancements to the Love INC Mission and modes of ministry.

Flourishing Church

We are committed to leading the Love INC Movement in listening well to churches, and discovering ways to increase church and volunteer engagement.

Key Results in 3 Distinct Areas:

Listening to Churches

We will lead the Love INC Movement to engage in a local church listening effort and provide a summary report.

Increased Number of Mobilized Churches Across the Love INC Movement

Grow the overall annual number of churches mobilized by 10% from 2022 to December 2026.

Increased Volunteer Engagement Across the Love INC Movement

Increase the annual number of volunteers engaged by 15% from 2022 to December 2026.

Getting Involved

Here's how you can take part:


Join us in asking for God’s guidance and provision as we work to serve Him in this way.

Follow our Feeds

Like and follow our Facebook or Instagram feeds @loveincnational for our most recent news and updates, and share our posts to tell others about our impact.

Spread the Word

Visit to grab ready to print handouts, postcards, and social media messaging and help spread the word about starting a Love INC in more communities. Plus, if you already know someone who might be a great Love INC vision carrier, send them to to learn more.


Make a contribution now at and invite your friends to do so, as well.
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from Our Executive Director

Good things are ahead

Exciting things are ahead for the next year! We’ve grown so much, and we’re looking forward to another year of growing connections.