Better Together

Increasing the Impact of the Love INC Movement

love inc national mobile

When we think about the future of the Love INC Movement, one thing is certain—there is unrealized potential.

We have a God-sized dream of a day where every community would experience the power of churches that are united to show and share the love of Christ.  

You’re invited to a small group virtual meeting to:

  • Be encouraged through the sharing of a few Love INC affiliates
  • Hear the beginning vision of Love INC from our founder Virgil Gulker
  • Engage with the Love INC Movement’s next level challenges and opportunities 
  • Receive an invitation to explore a future connection with Love INC National and supporting the Love INC Movement

Optional dates (select your affiliate’s assigned date in the registration link): 

  • Wednesday, Sept. 11, 1 p.m. EASTERN
  • Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1 p.m. EASTERN

Hosted by: Kirk Vander Molen, Executive Director, Love INC National

Register below and meeting login information will be provided to you in a response email. 

LoveInc AnnualReport2023 Final Web Page 9

How does Love INC impact churches and communities?

Our Core Values

Our mission and vision are guided by our core values—these define who we are and how we run.